Saturday, December 31, 2011


Took Addyson to her peds doctor today. Surprisingly she hasn't been to sick during the school year. Her immune system is very weak due to all the meds she is on but so far so good this year!! But she has been coughing for about 4 weeks and woke up last night complaining about her ear. So I took her to the doctor and she has an ear infection and a sinus infection. It takes Addyson awhile to get over illnesses so hopefully this stronger medicine he put her on will work fast. She only had a few hours of sleep last night but today was the last day of school and they were having a Holiday Party, so she wanted to go to go back to school. So I took her to school and when I came to her party I could tell she wasn't feeling good at all. She went to bed at 5 pm!

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