Thursday, February 18, 2010

Visit with Dr. O'Neil

Addyson was feeling good today either. We took her to see Dr. O'Neil. She said Addyson probably passed out b/c of a combination of the sleeping medicine from the surgery and the pain medicine she is on. Everything seems fine for her. Dr. O'Neil did go ahead and have Addyson get another treatment while we were there. They used the port for the first time. It was little sore but overall it was MUCH easier than using the arm. Matt and I are so happy that we got the port for Addyson. She didn't even cry when they pulled it out. Mavia is the nurse and she is so good with Addyson. We are going to lower the Presidone back to 10mg a day. The Cellcept should be getting into her system. If we can just get off the Presidone, Addyson will start losing her weight. That is Dr. O'Neil's main goal right now. Her blood levels are looking okay. We will watch them as we tapper the Presidone!! Everyone told us this would be a rollarcoaster ride with some up's and alot of down's. They were right!! Matt and I are just ready to have our happy go lucky little girl back. She will have another treatment on Monday. Hopefully it will go as smoothly as today's!!

1 comment:

  1. I hate it that Addyson is not feeling well, but I am so glad that the port worked much better. Like you said there will be many days of ups and downs. The prednisone enhances some of those days!!! You will get that little girl back and then some. You don't realize how sick or weak they were until they are better. Then you are running like crazy to keep up with them because they feel so much better! We will continue to pray for you guys as Addyson get better. The IVs should really help and she will come around. Hang in there!
